1917 U.S. Enters World War I

1920s Sheep Industry Flourishes in Utah

Agriculture in the 1930s

1930s Grantsville Dust Bowl

1934 Taylor Grazing Act of 1934

1939-1945 World War II: Utah's War Effort at Home

Agriculture in the 1920s

1921 The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) is Created

1929 The Great Depression Begins

1932 The New Deal Begins

Agriculture in the 1940s

1946 Congress Establishes the Bureau of Land Management

U.S. Enters World War I

Agriculture in the 1920s

Sheep Industry Flourishes in Utah

The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) is Created

Agriculture in the 1930s

The Great Depression Begins

Grantsville Dust Bowl

The New Deal Begins

Taylor Grazing Act of 1934

Agriculture in the 1940s

World War II: Utah's War Effort at Home

Congress Establishes the Bureau of Land Management